Thursday 26 July 2012

Lines: Diagonal

Part 2 Elements of Design
Project: Lines
Exercise 2
Aim: Take 4 pictures showing diagonal lines.
          Try to create the diagonal lines in different ways, for example by tilting the camera to show lines at an   angle.

For this exercise, I wanted to include both implied and physically diagonal lines as well as a combination of single and repeated lines in the pictures.

By taking the picture from an acute angle, these hay bales make a diagonal line. Although they are 3 separate points, the eye still sees them as an diagonal line.

This picture was again taken at a slight angle to create the impression of a diagonal line. The track through the field contrasts with the background causing the line  to stand out.

The roof of this building creates a strong diagonal line. The tiles above and vertical lines below it also help to emphasise the diagonal.

The pattern in this fence shows many repeated diagonal lines.

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