Thursday 19 July 2012

Points: Multiple Points

Part 2 Elements of Design
Project: Points
Exercise 2
Aim: To set up a still life using 6-10 objects of a similar size.
          Take a picture each time an object is added and on the last picture, indicate lines and shapes that connect the objects

I decided to use shells for this exercise as they are all similar in shape and size, but different enough to add interest to the picture. The background I used was an old desk which in hindsight was too distracting with all the marks on it.




I begin to form a rough triangle shape with the shells, with one placed closer to the first shell than the other.



I start to make a curve with the shells. I place the 5th shell closer to the 3rd and 4th ones to make them look closer and separated from the 2nd shell while still keeping the curved line within the picture.


I place the next shell away from the others which I think further emphasises the curved line. This also creates another triangle together with the first and second shell.


The next shell creates a connection with the sixth shell and also to the first and second shell. This makes the triangle less clear but still interesting with the new connections.


The new shell creates a strong line and also emphasises the triangle between the 1st second and sixth shells. The curve also becomes more prominent.



This is the last picture showing the lines that connect the shapes. The blue lines indicate shapes and the red indicates lines. The two main shapes I found were between the main shells that formed a curve around the first shell and the small triangle at the top left of the frame. I think there were different shapes and lines connecting the shells but these are the ones I felt were strongest.

Here is another example using the same set up and objects:

In conclusion, I felt this exercise was important in showing me how the relationships between objects in the frame can be made and broken by moving them even slightly or adding other objects. It also showed me how lines and shapes can be made through actual contact with the objects or implied by the way they are placed within the frame.

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