Tuesday 29 May 2012

Focus- Part 2

Project- Focus (part 2)
Exercise 2- Focus with a different apertures

Aims: To take 3 photo's of a of a row of objects to demonstrate different apertures
             Take each of the pictures at a different aperture from wide to narrow
             Print the photo's and mark the depth of field on each print

For this exercise, I decided to use a row of railings to show the difference in apertures and the effects it has on the picture.
 1. f4.5     1/1600     ISO 200

2. f10     1/400     ISO 200

3. f29     1/50     ISO 200

As the photo's demonstrate, the wide aperture has a small depth of field which draws the eye quickly to the focal point with the rest of the picture out of focus. A narrow aperture has a much wider depth of field making it useful for subjects such as landscapes.

This exercise also shows how aperture control's light as the wide aperture needs a fast shutter speed to balance the exposure and the narrow aperture needs a slower shutter speed.

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