Saturday 4 August 2012

Lines: Curves

Part 2 Elements of Design
Project: Curves
Exercise 3
Aim: To take 4 pictures showing curves to emphasise direction and movement.


This picture of bollards in a car park has a curved pattern that is emphasized by the contrast in colour.


The seeds on this plant show repeated curves from both the shape of the seeds and the curved pattern on them.


These paper clips show multiple curves in a simple yet very clear way.


The curves in this road are emphasized by both the markings and the verges on either side.

In conclusion, I think that curved lines create a very different impression on the photo than straight lines. Where straight lines are rather harsh and sharp, curved lines are much more flowing add more movement to the image. I think it's harder to find curved lines than straight lines, though I found some curves are more subtle, so making them harder to notice.

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