Wednesday 22 August 2012

Rhythm and Pattern

Part 2 Elements of Design
Project: Rhythm and Pattern
Exercise 1
Aim: Take at least 2 pictures, one showing rhythm and one with pattern.

It took some time for me to acctually distinguish between pattern and rhythm as they are so similar. They both include repetition but where rhythm is often dyanmic and flowing so the eye follows an "optical beat" through the picture, pattern is more static and less flowing. I think the lines between rhythm and pattern are not set and mostly depend of the subject and/or picture at the time.


These tiles provide a good example of pattern. They fill the frame so it is easy to imagine them continuing beyond what we can see. The slight variation with each of the tiles adds interest but does not disrupt the overall pattern.
 Material showing pattern, an obvious choice but I've still included it.


Rhythm was much harder to find. The line of trees provides rhythm as each trunk stands out well from the background. The leaves between the trees help to break it up slightly so it does not become too much of an exact repetition and more of a pattern.

I found this exercise enjoyable is it was a challenge to find suitable pictures, especially for rhythm. This helped me become more familiar with pattern and rhythm and by the end of the exercise, helped me to distinguish between the two.

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