Tuesday 7 August 2012

Using lines in composition

Part 2 Elements of Design
Project: Using lines in composition
Exercise 1: Implied Lines
Aim: Find and sketch the implied lines on the two course images.
           Repeat the first section of the exercise with 3 of my own pictures .
          Take two photo's that use specific types of implied lines: eye lines and extension of lines or points.

1. The first of the images from the course notes shows a strong sense of movement through the use of implied lines. I found it harder to sketch the implied lines on this picture, possibly because both of the main points are close together in the centre unlike in the second picture.

2. In the second image, I found 3 implied lines. There is a clear eye line between the man and the horses. The horses eye line and body position both suggest movement and direction in a clear and effective way. I think the separation between the man and horses creates a more pleasing dynamic and also makes it easier to pick out the implied lines.

For the second part of the exercise, I picked three of my own images to sketch the implied lines like in part 1

This picture is similar to the course images in the way that the implied lines show the movement in the picture.

 The paw-prints in the snow create a straight implied line that leads into the frame.


The trees create a curving  "S" shape through the picture. The line is emphasised by the contrastingly bare landscape on either side.

In part 3 of the exercise, I had to plan two images that showed eye lines and an extension of lines or points.

 This picture of water droplets shows an implied vertical line using a series of points.


The use of eye lines in the picture is shown by the little girl looking at the dog. The position of her arms and the lead as well as the returned eye contact also helps strengthen the implied line.


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