Thursday 28 June 2012


Part 1-The Frame
Exercise 6- Balance
Aims: Take 6 already taken photo's and divide the frame into the different elements that create balance.
           Sketch a weighing scale for each showing the dominant parts of the picture.
              Compare the results

I found this exercise interesting as I had never really looked at images in terms of balance before. I found some pictures easier to divide than others, but mostly the photo's had  clear elements with which to judge balance with.







As said before, I found some photo's easier to divide than others. From the pictures I chose, the majority had very distinct elements with the exeption of no3 which I was unsure wheather to add the building or not. I decided to in the end because although in the background, I think it does still draw attention and so contributes to the overall balance of the picture.  Pictures 1, 2 and 5 are balanced by a bigger subject near the centre of the image with a smaller suject nearer the edge. Photo's 3 and 4 appear unbalanced with the scales but for me, they work in their own way (albeit not conventional), although I prefer the balance in picture 4 better than the 3rd picture. The last photo shows a symetrical balance, where both prominant elements evenly spaced and the same size in the frame.
This exercise has made me look at my pictures in a different way, not just in terms of composition but the balance within the picture, and how it affects the image as a whole.

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