Friday 22 June 2012

Focal Lengths 1

Part 1-The Frame
Exercise 4- Focal Lengths 1

Aims: Take 3 to 10 photo's of a scene with detail in the distance
             Take the photo's at different focal lengths from wide angle to telephoto, changing lenses if possible
              Compare the results 

For this exercise, I chose a fairly plain scene with a house in the distance which would help show the effect of the different focal lengths. The exercise would have been easier if I had used a tripod as it was very overcast and dark so I had to use slower shutter speeds. I took 6 photo's with two lenses, a 18-55mm and 70-300mm which clearly demonstrated how focal lengths affected the picture. 

1. 18mm
This is the widest view where you can see a wide open field with a house in the distance. I chose the house as the main focal point for this exercise.

2. 34mm
Very similar to the first photo, but you can start to see more detail in the trees and house in the distance. Some of the detail seen in the foreground in picture 1 is also being lost as I zoom in on the house.

3. 55mm
Again, there is not much difference other than the increase in detail for the objects far away. This is close to my "standard" focal length.

4. 70mm
I have now changed to my telephoto lens and as with the previous photo's you can see more and more detail in the houses and trees accross the field.

5. 100

At the furthest possible focal length, you can clearly see the details in the house that were impossible to pick out in the first photo and unlike the wider focal lengths, you cannot see much of the landscape surrounding the house.

You can clearly see how as the focal length increases you can see more detail in things father away but you lose the wide view. This exercise was interesting as it makes you consider how you can change a photo by using different focal lengths depending on what effect you want to portray.

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