Saturday 9 June 2012

Object In Different Positions In The Frame

Part 1-The Frame
Exercise 2- Object in different positions in the frame

Aims:    Take 4 photo's of the same subject in different parts of the frame
             Make sure the background is as clear and even as possible
             Compare the results

It was challenging to find a subject with a clear and plain background, but In the end, I decided on a grassy field as it was relatively uncluttered and free from distractions. I took 4 photo's for this series. The first was taken quickly and with no consideration for the composition or where the subject was placed in the frame. The second was to the bottom left. The third had the subject in the bottom right and the fourth was in the top right corner.

1. This was the photo taken quickly and naturally, and shows the subject in the middle of the frame. I think we naturally compose photo's in the centre because we tend to directly focus on things that are directly in front of us. Despite the notion that pictures should ideally be composed with the main subject just off centre, I feel in this instance having the subject in the middle of the frame does not ruin the photo. This is not my favourite, but I do not dislike the photo.

2. This shot was taken with the main subject to the bottom left of the frame. Having more background behind the subject gives the viewer a sense of the setting but I think the background in this photo is a bit too cluttered. As stated previously, I had a little trouble finding a clear and even background.

3. This is very similar to picture 2 but the subject is in the bottom right corner of the frame. Like with the previous picture, I would have preferred the background to be free from distractions, but I still think this photo works slightly better than the first.

4. This is the last shot and my least favourite of the series. The subject is in the top right corner. I think this is because the amount of grass in front of and around the subject makes the picture feel compressed and to me it feels slightly awkward. The viewer also does not get the same sense of the setting in this photo compared to this others.

After comparing the pictures, I like photo 2 best, closely followed by the first picture. Although the third picture is very similar to the second, I do not like it as much as the second. I like the fourth photo the least.
This exercise has taught me that there are no set rules for composing pictures, and that what works for one shot does not necessarily work for another. The subject, background and theme your trying to convey all affect how you should place the subject in the frame and staying with one rule for composition will not  necessarily guarantee a good photo.

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