Thursday 28 June 2012

Positioning the Horizon

Part 1-The Frame
Exercise 7- Positioning the Horizon
Aims: Take 6 photo's of a landscape with a horizon
          Place the horizon in different parts of the frame in each picture
              Compare the results


I had not read the exercise requirements properly before starting it so I only have 5 pictures instead of 6. I'll pay more attention in future to make sure I don't repeat this.
The first of my series shows the horizon at the bottom of the frame. The emphasis is on the sky (which would have been made more interesting with interesting cloud patterns) and only a little attention is given to the pier and beach. Personally, I don't think this horizon line works, although I can't rule out this composition in all future pictures as in some suituations it work better.


The second picture has the horizon line near the centre of the image. I like this picture best as although the frame is divided close to the middle, I think it places equal emphasis on the sky and pier/beach in the lower part of the frame.


Very similar to the previous photo, but the horizon is in the centre, creating a somewhat static but not unpleasant (personally) effect.


The beach has become the dominant feature in this picture, followed by the pier. The sky now has less emphasis as it fills less of the frame.


With this last picture the horizon is again at the top of the frame. The sand is now even more dominating and there is hardly and sky showing. I think that although it could work for some pictures, the extreme positioning of the horizon looked less effective than the previous photo's.

This exercise has shown me that you should not automatically disregard any particular horizon position such as exremely high or low or in the centre of the frame, and that I should consider all posibilities based on the particular landscape at the time.

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